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Music Therapy Booth at Mind Run & Carnival 6 Oct 2018, Bukit Jalil

Come visit the Music Therapy Booth in conjuction with World mental Health day!

Music Therapy Booth during World Mental Health Day event in Sabah 13 Oct 2018

Come visit the Music Therapy Booth in conjunction with World Mental Health Day in Sabah! World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness on mental health issues around the world and mobilising efforts in support of mental health. The Sabah Mental Health Association together with Persatuan C.H.I.L.D. Sabah will celebrate the annual World Mental Health Day as follows: Date: 13 October 2018 (Saturday) Time: 10am – 5pm Venue: Suria Sabah Shopping Mall (3rd Floor Exhibition Hall)


VMC Drum Circle Facilitators Playshop Date: 9-11 March 2018 Venue: The Palace Hotel, KK, Sabah Register at: www.tinyurl/VMCweekendKK

Happy World Music Therapy Day, 1 March 2020!

Selamat Menyambut Hari Terapi Muzik Sedunia, 1 March 2020!

World Music Therapy Day

Let's celebrate World Music Therapy Day on 1 March 2018!

South East Asia Music Therapy Conference 2018

South East Asia Music Therapy Conference 2018 happening in Jakarta, Indonesia from 15-17 March 2018.

Hong Kong Music Therapy Conference 2018

Hong Kong Music Therapy Conference 2018, 3-6 August 2018

Artikel dan Jurnal
Dangdut Times Vol. 4

Dangdut Times Vol. 4

Dangdut Times Vol. 3

MMTA Newsletter - Dangdut Times Vol. 3

Dangdut Times Vol.2

MMTA's Newsletter - Dangdut Times Vol.2

Dangdut Times Vol. 1

This is our first MMTA Newsletter - Dangdut Times!

Rojak: An Ethnographic Exploration of Pluralism and Music Therapy in Post-British-Colonial Malaysia

A published article on music therapy in Malaysia in Music Therapy Perspectives - an American Music Therapy Association journal.

Piloting Music Therapy Support for Preterm Infant Non-Nutritive Suck and Caregiver

Published in Neonatology Today (Peer Reviewed Research, News and Information in Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine) Volume 14 / Issue 9 | September 2019 “The Pacifier Activated Lullaby (PAL) is an FDA approved device (Standley, 2012). PAL provides developmentally appropriate lullaby music that includes the ability to use the caregiver’s voices and personalized recorded lullabies as a positive reinforcement measure to entrain and reinforce a non-nutritive sucking response among infants in NICU (Standley, 2012).” “ Music Therapists provided caregivers with information regarding infants behavioral signs of overstimulation to music and also signs of a positive response to the music as stimuli." “Of the 95% of the caregivers reported feeling their child had improved oral motor skills needed for feeding with the PAL Music Therapy sessions. Additionally, 98% reported stability and/ or an increase in bonding with their baby during the study. All caregivers (100%) reported increases in music use in their daily routine with their infant and an increase in their involvement in their infant’s care.”
